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Diversity in marketing
Why do organisations need to think deeper about diversity in their marketing? – part 2
A key aspect that marketers miss is that children define things differently to adults. This can be a problem because adults prefer to simplify an issue, using the logical, reasoning mind. But children...
Diversity in marketing
Why do organisations need to think deeper about diversity in their marketing? - part 1
Diversity is one of the few constants and universal truths. It is something that I have researched extensively and now routinely consider every time I create a new illustration. But it is not limited to...
The importance of illustration
Why is illustration important in marketing? - part 2
Given the different styles and scenes available through illustration, you can market your product, campaign or brand with interests most popular amongst your target audience. Some organisations undertake...
Why is illustration important in marketing? - part 1
So much of marketing and connecting with your audience is about depth – creating a sufficiently deep connection so your audience stop scrolling or walking on. This occurs by immediately invoking depth...