About Adam
Nice to meet you
I am an illustrator based in the UK and work for clients around the world.

My Mission
Art can make the world less painful.
The goal for my illustrations is to inspire qualities such as joy, peace, beauty, love, compassion and oneness for children and adults with an open heart.
I want to provide you with illustrations that reflect these qualities, so that they offer something positive to your project and to the world.
Incorporating diversity in my illustrations is fundamental to my work.
My work primarily focuses on creating heart-felt children’s illustrations for books, prints, merchandise and advertising.

Working together
The centre of my work ethic is to provide a service that works best for you, my client.
We both are working to achieve the same goal – the success of your project – so I feel that we are on the same team. Should you provide any editorial/art director notes I give them a lot of thought and will sometimes like to discuss these with you, perhaps for clarification or to explain my thinking in how the illustrations might work.
I pay close attention to your schedule and understand there can be many people that must be coordinated who work on the project. I deliver when we’ve agreed I’m going to deliver and always with my highest quality work.
Throughout my working life I have sought to ensure a happy relationship with my colleagues and clients. I understand that what we are trying to achieve is a big commitment for both of us, so it is important to me that we feel free to talk to each other, to ask questions and respond etc. to ensure the very best outcomes.
No AI is used at any stage during the creation of my illustrations.

My background
I love the British weather. There, I said it!
Its variety and unpredictability is like a fun game with an invisible friend. I’m a proponent of Alfred Wainwright’s famous quote, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” I love the outdoor life and feel truly blessed to live in ‘The Outdoor City’ itself – Sheffield, the greenest city in the UK. We have the biggest creative industry, outside of London!
You can often find me sitting and sketching, or going for a walk or run in one of our many green places.
I lead a devoted spiritual life under the guidance of my own teacher, Sri Chinmoy.
Before I was a professional illustrator I worked in clinical nutrition, helping people make progress with their own health and wellbeing. I also taught and lectured on nutrition, biochemistry and functional medicine. I’ve even worked as a cycling instructor, teaching 11 year olds how to cycle safely on the road. That was great fun. Children really inspire me!
Today, my children’s illustration work is my way to try and uplift people. Seeing artwork that inspires or uplifts us in some way is so important.

As many children do, I loved to draw and create.
My sisters and I were creative and musical from an early age, inspired by my actor father and pianist mother. I made collages with foil milk bottle tops and I loved comics.
At age 11, I wrote to Marvel Comics to ask for a job. I was thrilled when they wrote back to me, on colourful headed letter paper, to politely decline my application – wow, a letter from Marvel!
From childhood I always strongly felt that there is a deeper meaning to life and in my late teens I became a student of spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy. He teaches the value of gratitude, sincerity, inner peace and joy, wisdom, oneness, remaining in a childlike consciousness and many other spiritual qualities. This informs everything I do and is the foundation for my artwork.
Sri Chinmoy was once asked “From the spiritual point of view, what is an artist?”. He answered:
“From the spiritual point of view, an artist is a creator who inspires mankind to lead an aesthetic life, a life of inner and outer beauty, a life of harmony and a life of perfection. He creates and the world gets inspiration and aspiration from his creation.”
This is what I seek to achieve in my illustration work.
My love of art continued through my teens but early adulthood saw me become involved in other fields. In my early 20s I moved to New Zealand and lived for my sport of rowing, achieving a high level, and only working part time to ensure I could fit in my training.
On returning to the UK I read for a degree in clinical nutrition. Afterwards I studied a postgraduate course in clinical psychoneuroimmunology that included in-depth study in children’s development and how that informs our health in later life.
For the next decade I worked in clinical healthcare, associated teaching, lecturing and course creation within health education.
I have also taught at a further education college and am a qualified cycling instructor, teaching primary school children how to cycle safely (one of the most joyful jobs I’ve done!).
But here I am now – working as an illustrator, doing what I love and sincerely trying to use it to pass on good things to the world.
I hope you like my work.